Stand Design Guidelines
1 Stand Design Guidelines :

* Height to be measured from the floor provided by the organiser. The permissible height will include the platform created by the exhibitor.
* Any free standing structure should be 1 meter away from passage & neighbouring stall.
1.2 For Prefabricated stalls - Those who wish to design and construct customized stalls, communicate the same in writing at latest before 25-January 2025 All procedures of bare space stand will be applicable. It is mandatory to fill the Venue information form and adhere to the height guidelines. (Max height allowed - 3 meter).
1.3 Sides or walls, which are facing the aisles, should not be blocked by panels more than 30% of the length of such sides. Wall, if any, along the aisles should not carry any projections, on the side facing the aisles. No branding can be done on the side facing the other/adjoining stall.
1.4 Back Wall : Back Wall must be covered with masking with black or white colour cloth. No logo or branding is allowed on the back wall.
1.5 Support : No external support should be taken. All supporting structures should be part of space.
1.6 Storage / Unused Material : Exhibitors are not allowed to dump their storage / unused material nearby or outside the allocated space. The material should be properly packed in cartons and placed in covered space inside the exhibiting space.
1.7 Submission of Design:
1.7.1 Exhibitors should submit the Design with Plan, Elevation and side view before 25th January 2025.
1.7.2 All dimensions should be mentioned in meters.
1.7.3 Material specifications should be enclosed along with the design.
1.7.4 Approval : Submit the technical drawing of the design on the Exhibitor Dashboard - 1.7.5 Venue Coordination Form. In addition, email the same on
1.7.6 Exhibitor shall be allowed to start work only after approval of the layout plan and duly booked power requirement for the space.
1.7.7 Non Approval : The decision of our architect with regards to the approval of the plan shall be final and binding upon exhibitors and the work must be carried out as per the approved drawing only. The committee has the right to refuse the design subject to design, material, ethics and/or other factors, before the exhibition and on ground, even if the exhibitor agrees to all norms. Exhibitors should adhere to these guidelines, exceptions are subject to approval from the Design Committee. KISAN ground committee has the right to stop the work or dismantle the stall at any point of time, if design is not approved or the design is found altered & not as per approved design. If the exhibitor refuses to make the required changes, Organiser has authority to cancel the participation and block/cover the front of the stand. No refund will be paid by the organiser.
2 Venue Coordination :
2.1 Exhibitors must submit duly filled Venue Coordination Form on the exhibitor dashboard. This will enable the Organizer, all the information related to venue team and service agencies working for Exhibitor at KISAN 2025.
2.2 The exhibitors will get the Space Possession & Participation Letter only after submission of the Venue Coordination Form.
2.3 It is mandatory to show the Possession letter to take the space for construction.
2.4 Participation & Authorization Letter
2.4.1 Participation Letter: The exhibitors can take a print of their participation letter from the exhibitor dashboard. This is required for transit of goods, every vehicle should carry a separate participation letter copy.
Authorization Letter: The service agency needs to show the hard copy of the Authorization Letter on exhibiting company’s letterhead to KISAN ground team. They will get the possession of the space on showing the Authorization letter. The Authorization Letter will be auto-sent to the registered email id on submission of Venue Co-ordination form.
3. Stand Construction Date & Work Time
3.1 Possession of Space Timings :
Thursday, 6th February 00:00 hours onwards for Bare space.
Thursday, 6th February 10:00 am
**No work after 10 pm 06-February 2025.
3.2 Vendor Deposit & Refund : The service agency should pay a Rs. 9,000/- refundable security deposit for possession of space.
*Prefabricated Stand > If the company doing their own stand construction they will be considered as bare space, and all the rules and regulations comply as per point no 2.
3.3 Refund : The deposit will be refunded on clearance of the space in the same condition as handover, on 10-Feb 2024. A clearance from the Hall manager will be required. In case of disputes, the deposit will be settled after 20-Feb 2024, but not later than 28 February 2024.
4 Gate Pass for entry :
4.1 Gate Pass is mandatory for taking any exhibits/items in/out of the fairground for security purpose. The Gate pass would be available only after getting all formalities completed.
4.2 Mandatory for getting gate pass for Bare spaces
Vendor Authorization Letter
Stall design approval letter
Refundable Security deposit
Participation letter
4.3 Every vehicle with material should display (on the front glass):
Company Name:
Pavilion & Stall no:
Vendor Name:
Vendor Contact No.:
Name of Driver:
Mobile no.:
4.4 Mandatory for getting Gate Pass for Prefab stands
Participation letter
4.5 A final Gate pass would be needed on the last day at 5.30 p.m. for the exhibitors to move out of the fairground.
5. Power Connection (for Set up & Exhibition days)
5.1 Set Up Days : Power will be provided at common points outside each hall. The fabricators can connect it with their own cables. Exhibitors must get their electrical works done from the electrical contractor appointed by the organizers only. If the exhibitors are getting own generator sets & electricians, they should seek the prior permission from KISAN organizing committee in writing at least 1 week prior to stall possession.
5.2 Metal Welding is strictly prohibited on working power provided by KISAN. Exhibitors have to make their power arrangements for the same.
5.3 Exhibition days : Requisitions for Power Required (KW) should be made before 5th Feb 2025.
Charges for power will be
Rs. 3,000 + GST if prebooked online before 5th Feb 2025
Rs. 4,000 + GST for booking on venue
5.4 Only prefabricated stalls will be provided with basic power. All other exhibitors need to pay extra for power as per their requirement. Details about the electrical load consumption have to be informed and booked online well in advance. The electric supply for prefab stalls & for stalls who have paid for extra power supply will be made available after 1 pm., 7th-Feb 2025.
6. Vehicle Entry during set up & Exhibition days :
6.1 Set Up Days :
Morning : 8 am - 7 pm.- Inform Service Incharge 1 hour prior.
Evening : 7 pm to 8 am - Inform Service Incharge 4 hours prior.
Vehicle Exit Time : 07- Feb - Strictly before 7 am.
All vehicles must exit the exhibition ground before 7 am 07-Feb 2025.
No Passenger Vehicle will be allowed to enter the venue on any days.
6.2 Parking during exhibition days :
Provisions for Car & Scooter parking are made at the venue free of cost.